Philip Augustus Rowland Berry

12 September 1884 - 26 March 1946


His parents were James Augustus Berry (26 April 1854 - 26 June 1942) and Rose Ellen Spencer (1857 - 16 September 1942), married 6 March 1879 at St Edmund's, Northampton.



Philip was born on Friday 12 September 1884 at 11 Kettering Road, Northampton.


Birth: Philip Augustus R. Berry Quarter: Mar 1884 District: Northampton Volume: 3b Page: 53  
1884 BIRTH in the Sub-district of Saint Giles in the County of Northampton
No. When and where born Name, if any Sex Name and surname of father Name, surname and maiden surname of mother Occupation of father Signature, description and residence of informant When registered Signature of registrar
204 Twelfth February 1884 11 Kettering Road Northampton U. S. D. Philip Augustus Rowland Boy James Augustus Berry Rose Ellen Berry formerly Spencer Clicker R.E. Berry Mother 11 Kettering Road Northampton Twentieth October 1884 F.C. Robinson




On Tuesday 2 April 1918 Philip married Sarah Jane Harris at St Michael & All Angels, Northampton.


Marriage: Rowland Berry Quarter: Jun 1918 District: Northampton Volume: 3b Page: 115 Spouse: Harris
1918 Marriage solemnized at the Parish Church in the Parish
  of S. Michael & All Angels in the Count y Borough of Northampton
No. When Married Name and Surname Age Condition Rank or Profession Residence at the Time of Marriage Father's Name and Surname Rank or Profession of Father
323 April 2nd 1918 Rowland Berry 34 Bachelor Pattern Cutter 137 Adnitt Road James Augustus Berry Clicker
Sarah Jane Harris 33 Spinster - 35 Henry Street William James Harris Clicker
Married in the Parish Church according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of England by License or after by me,
This Marriage was solemnized between us, Rowland Berry in the Presence of us, S. J. Duaklay     C. C. Onless assistant Priest
Sarah Jane Harris W. Sheppard      



Death: Sarah J Berry Quarter: Dec 1936 District: Birmingham Volume: 6d Page: 398 Age 52
1936 DEATH in the Sub-district of Acock's Green in the County Borough of Birmingham
No. When and where died Name and surname Sex Age Occupation Cause of death Signature, description and residence of informant When registered Signature of registrar
27 Twelfth November 1936 The Taylor Home Sparkhill U.D. Sarah Jane Berry Female 52 years of 172 Grove Lane Handsworth Birmingham UD Wife of Philip Augustus Rowland Berry a Boot Pattern Cutter 1a Carcinoma of Pelvis b. Carcinoma of Cervix Certified by Philip J. Gannet F.R.C.S. P. Berry Widower of deceased 172 Grove Lane Handsworth Birmingham Twelfth November 1936 L.E.Hadfield











Thursday 28 March 1946

Page 6



BECAUSE he was "fed-up" with life, a 62-year-old boot and shoe operative, Philip Rowland Augustus Berry, 137b, Wellingborough-road, Northampton, committed suicide by drinking disinfectant.

   Berry died in St. Edmund's Hospital, where he had been transferred from Northampton General Hospital. Medical evidence was that death was due to poisoning after drinking creosole.

   Edward Rustin Physick, 136 Loyd-road, Northampton, brother-in-law, said Berry had lived with him for the past six months, since his health gave way and he had been attended by a doctor for internal troubles.


   Berry was discovered lying against a hut on an allotment at Abington by Donald William Davis.

   "I visited my allotment at about 7.15 a.m. on March 13, and when I saw a man lying beside a hut, I asked him if he was all right," Davis told the Coroner. "He said he had drunk some disinfectant."

   Herbert James Berry, the dead man's brother, 40, Chaucer-street, Northampton, said he later found the door of his allotment hut unlocked, and a cork lying outside.

   Sergeant William George Botteril, Northampton County Police, said Berry told him he was fed up and had taken disinfectant.

   In another hut 35 yards away Berry's cap was discovered, and a bottle of disinfectant was near by.


   A letter (found in Berry's pocket was produced, in which he stated he was "fed up" because he didn't think he would be able to "do a day's work again."

   The Borough Coroner, Mr. A. J. Darnell, recorded a verdict of suicide while the balance of mind was disturbed.



Death: Philip R.A. Berry Quarter: Jun 1946 District: Northampton Volume: 3b Page: 16? Age: 62
1946 DEATH in the Sub-district of Northampton East in the County Borough of Northampton
No. When and where died Name and surname Sex Age Occupation Cause of death Signature, description and residence of informant When registered Signature of registrar
118 Twenty Sixth March 1946 137a Wellingborough Road U. D. Philip Rowland Augustus Berry Male 62 years of 13b Loyd Road Northampton U.D. Boot and shoe operative Toxacmia following the taking by the deceased of Creosote disinfectant whilst the balance of his mind was disturbed No P.M. Certificate received from A. J. Warnell, Coroner for the County Borough of Northampton inquest held 28th March 1946 First April 1946 H L Ounk Interim Registrar